miércoles, 18 de julio de 2007

Reseña de blog

Quisiera agradecer a mi querida Mariam por reseñar este blog en su conocido blog:
El blog de Mariam es fascinante y reza sobr el tema de las generaciones. Le agradezco por darle la oportunidad a sus diversos lectores de familiarizarse con el tema del cáncer y por urgir a sus lectoras a que se unan al Estudio de las Hermanas.
Gracias, Mariam.

2 comentarios:

Donald dijo...

Hi Sonia:
I think that your sight deserves a lot of credit. Breast cancer took my sisters life less than 1 year ago and even while she was fighting it I felt that she would pull through. I wanted to, then and still do now, blame everybody. She was only 44. I'm not sure what inspired you to write this blog but I admire you for doing so.

Sonia M. Rosa-Vélez dijo...


Even thou I think I am an educated person ( I am a high school teacher/independent historical researcher) I knew nothing about cancer. When I was diagnosed on April 12, 2007 I was stunned at my own ignorance. I am an educator first and foremost and after the initial jolt of pain, I decided to fight the good fight and keep on being a good teacher. I am in my 40's also. I will like to invite you to write a bio of your sister and send me her picture and I will be honored to publish it in my blog.
Let's keep in touch!